Contact Us
If you need help from the foodbank, the best way to reach us is by phone on 07949 442342, so that we can direct you to the most appropriate referral agency.
Please do leave a message if you are unable to get through, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively please email us at [email protected].
If you are a referring agency and need an emergency e-voucher for a client, please call on 07949 442342.
Opening times:
Monday - Friday, 10am - 1pm
We are closed on Bank Holidays. (Please check our social media for more up-to-date information about bank holidays)
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, email [email protected].
Email us
Contact details
Phone us
07949 442342Email us
[email protected]Phone us
07949 442342Email us
[email protected]Phone us
07949 442342Email us
[email protected]Phone us
0773845774Email us
[email protected]Address
Witney & West Oxfordshire Foodbank
Cottsway House (in the back car park)
Heynes Place,
Avenue Two
OX28 4YG